Sent an abstract for the paper you will prepare about one (or a combination) of the 6 thematic axes described above, to be presented at the colloquium. Or send a proposal for an entire panel (4-6 abstracts and an overall concept note). Conference papers should not exceed 10,000 words and will be published on the Colloquium website 3 weeks before the event.
Propose a workshop
This space will provide opportunities to participate in the colloquium using alternative methodologies or ways of communicating about these issues. Each workshop will have 1.5 hours and can consist of round table discussions, strategic meetings, trainings, art exhibits on related topics, or other ideas that you might wish to propose. There is no required written paper, just a 1-2 page proposal explaining your workshop idea.
Come, listen, participate in debates, share ideas. Engage further in the construction of food sovereignty.
Abstract submission deadline.
Workshop proposal submission deadline.
Confirmation/acceptance of abstracts and workshops.
Final paper submission deadline.